The blood sample that Triela had left Scully after her death was yielding interesting if ultimately frustrating results. It was great to have some answers, even if they were sadly after they could be useful to her patient
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Her finals all done, Scully was concentrating on her medical investigations now, trying to find more possibilities for treating Triela. The timeline they'd established in early March said there was less than a month left-- maybe only a few weeks.
Last night's adventures in upside-down rain had left Scully tired and cranky when she woke up; so it was a subdued and caffiene-inhaling doctor on duty today.
There were big red X's on the calendar, marking down the weeks.
Scully was going over test results again, and not liking the answers she was getting. And doing more online research about brain surgeries. None of them looked very promising.
Today was another day when Triela would be getting a check-up, but also, Raven would be there to help. Just having another healer there for the consultation was going to help, Scully hoped.
Scully was reading up on journal articles; drugs, long-term effects, types of intervention. And hoping for something silly today. A stubbed toe. A gremlin bite. Possibly the world's worst hangover.